
Posted on February 7, 2016

In case you’re interested, I added new RSS feeds on my site. One for longform writing, one for the microblog, and one for everything. So if RSS is still a thing, there you go.

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Posted on February 7, 2016

Today we took my niece (the little one) to a farm so she could pet the baby goats. Happy birthday to her!   

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Posted on February 6, 2016

Testing with puppies.    

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Posted on February 5, 2016

sub transmogrifyLinks() {}

⬜️ Cache invalidation
✅ Naming things

I think I’ve just about got this computer science thing whipped.

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Posted on February 4, 2016

With other BaaSs adopting the Parse API to attract Parse refugees, Parse API could become a de facto standard, making BaaS interchangeable.

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Posted on February 4, 2016

This is some next level stapling.  

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