3/ Realize that guideline 3.1.3(b) cuts both ways. It will be a great option for some apps, but there have been some SaaS that have gotten a “free companion app” on the App Store that requires a subscription that is only available on the SaaS’s website.
2/ First, this is a great new option for mobile apps that has the potential to really increase revenue for developers. But only if you can get customers to visit and purchase through your website. This will be a marketing challenge for small indies, but that’s business. ?♂️
1/ There’s a lot of excitement in my timeline about Apple’s new App Store review guideline 3.1.3(b) that allows sales through a developer’s website (thereby avoiding Apple’s 30% cut) for multi-platform apps. A couple thoughts:
“Software Development and GDPR” – This is a really nice commentary from @oisin on the vagarities in GDPR, and how to deal with them as software developers. http://www.oisin.blog/2018/06/03/programming-and-gdpr.html
If simply flagging data as “not to be used” is sufficient for hard drives under GDPR, would the same strategy be sufficient for databases? Because the ability to add a “deleted=1” flag to a database entry (rather than actually removing the data) would make GDPR a lot more usable.
Interesting question from @ianlandsman on Bootstrapped.fm re: GDPR & right to be forgotten: If data is still on a hard drive, has it really been deleted? Because that’s how hard drives work. Data isn’t overwritten on delete. The space it takes up is just marked as available.