Alt Alt Dub Dub

Posted on June 4, 2014

tl;dr: Come join us in the Parc 55 to watch WWDC sessions as they they are released. Space is limited and there is a small daily fee to offset the cost of renting a room.

I came to WWDC 2014 without a ticket, as did a lot of other developers this year. Even if you don’t have a ticket, just being in San Francisco for WWDC is a great time, but not having a ticket makes it tougher to watch all the sessions you want to watch. Apple addressed this issue last year by releasing the videos of many WWDC sessions the same day that they were presented. But it’s no fun to hole up in your hotel room and watch technical videos. Alone, you miss out on the discussions and the shared insights of your fellow developers. Because I and a group of friends wanted a more social experience while watching videos, I rented a meeting room in the Parc 55, arranged for a projector, screen, and audio, and dubbed the result Alt Alt Dub Dub.

But yesterday, Apple made a big improvement to our WWDC experience. They dropped the non-disclosure agreement on WWDC sessions. That means that we can discuss what we learned in WWDC without legal worries hanging over our head. What that means for Alt Alt Dub Dub is that I don’t have to be as careful about who joins us for WWDC sessions. And so we are opening our doors to other ticketless developers who happen to be in San Francisco this week.

Space in our meeting room is very limited, but if you would like to join us to watch WWDC sessions as they are released, we would love for your to join us. In order to offset the cost of renting the room and equipment, there will be a $25 per day charge for admission.

We expect seats at Alt Alt Dub Dub to be in great demand. If you want to reserve a seat, please contact me by email at or on Twitter at @DazeEnd. We’re showing sessions starting right now, so the sooner you sign up, the sooner you can join us for sessions.

Our schedule for Wednesday, June 4 is:

9 AM 202: What’s New In Cocoa Touch
10 AM 402: Introduction to Swift
11 AM 401: What’s New in Xcode 6
Noon Lunch Break
1 PM 211: Designing Intuitive User Experiences
2 PM 205: Creating Extensions for iOS and OS X, Part 1
3 PM 209: Adapting Your App to the New UI of OS X Yosemite
4 PM 208: Introducing CloudKit