I was out with Heather and we stopped at our favorite hole-in-the-wall Mexican restaurant for take out. We walked in to discover we were the only diners in the whole joint. That’s about as socially distant as you can get, so we stayed for our first post-pandemic restaurant meal!
I have people not show up for scheduled calls all the time. Life happens. I get it. But if you contact me and request that I specially schedule a call at 8 PM, and then you don’t show up… well that’s just rude.
I need an app that causes my phone to deliver a mild electric shock every time I get sucked into a discussion about the (un)fairness Apple’s 30% cut. Can some indie developer get on that for me?
Trying to resist making a code change myself that I think I would really enjoy toying with. It would take me a couple weeks, but the contractor would only charge $500. I know the right answer is to fork over the cash and move on, but the lure of this one is strong. Must. Resist.